Amphisbena Vermicularis - HOMOEOPATHIC ALL MEDICINE

Amphisbena Vermicularis

11:35:00 PM

Amphisbena Vermicularis


Constipation. Cramps. Headache. Hernia, Jaw, pains in. Toothache.


Amphisbaena is a snake-like lizard, without limbs, and progressing (as its name implies) either backwards or forwards. Mure is the
Amphisbena Vermicularis
authority for its effects. It is prepared from the jaw as well as the poison of the animal, and has symptoms indicating action on bone like that of Silicea It acts most markedly on the jaws, causing swelling and pain, especially in the right jaw, worse by air and dampness. Many kinds of severe headache are complained of, pains are frequent. Eruptions of vesicles and pimples. It is a right-side medicine. There is generally worse from motion.


Compare: Heloderma, Silica.


Ennui. Sadness and lassitude in the morning. Impatience.


Vertigo. Tendency to fall to one side and then to the other, worse when turning round. Horrible headache, with sensation as if the feet were in the brain. Beating as if from hailstones right side of forehead. Lancination and pain all through right side of head. Sweat about head.


Constriction of right eye, as if strung together with a cord. Constant twitching of upper eyelids, especially left.


Pain in meatus auditorius, as if air were rushing in.


Painful large pimple left side of upper lip, suppurating. Pains in right lower jaw with swelling worse by air and dampness.


Teeth feel elongated and set on edge, especially right lower molars. Toothache worse afternoon and evening. Chewing is painful, but not contact with liquids.


Chilliness and pains at epigastrium.


Protrusion of umbilical hernia. Tearing pain at navel, lancination as from stiletto. Suppuration of inguinal hernia. Hernia is painful and air is felt in it.

Stool and Anus.


Neck and Back

Violent pain in whole of vertebral column, worse walking, moving arms, or stooping.

Upper Limbs

Breaking out of little pimples, especially on forearm. Painful swelling of arm.

Lower Limbs

Painless drawing up of the legs. Cramp in left leg, it remains behind in walking, as if paralysed.


Wakes at midnight for ten consecutive nights.

##culled from: Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke

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