Abroma augusta

9:03:00 AM

                Abroma Augusta
 The plant of broma augusta grows wild throughout the hotter part of India. In ancient times, it was used therapeutically as an emmenagogue in menstrual disorders. Late Dr. D.N.Roy of Calcutta proved this drug. A tincture of the drug is prepared from its leaves according to class III of American Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia.

Abroma augusta
 It is used in diabetes insipidus with very gratifying results. Clinically it is indicated in Diabetes, albuminuria, enuresis, debility, vertigo, sleeplessness, carbuncle, amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea.  In brief, it has its action on all the systems of human body, which are similar to Camphor, Acid-phos, Uranium nitricum, Syzygium and Lactic acid but it is an excellent remedy for amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and diabetes.  
It is indicated in irregular catamenia where there is tendency to appear before proper time and lasts for a short or for a long period. 
Abroma augusta

Abroma radix (Olat Kambal root) This drug is prepared from the root of Abroma augusta. It causes the menses to appear and gives the tone and strength to the uterus. It may be compared to Pulsatilla and Viburnum opulus in this context.  Mentally such patients are ill tempered and are easily angered. 

It suits the best in lowest dilution—Q, 2x and 3x. This particular drug may be used for easy abortion minimizing the scope of D & E operation. Achyranthes aspera (Latjira) It is a small herb commonly found all over India. The drug is astringent, diuretic and alternative. It is applied in menorrhagia, diarrhea and etc.


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