Ammonium Muriaticum The first prover was the much-slandered Nenning, whose masterly provings, comprising 448 symptoms, were published by Hartlaub in his Annalen, in 1833. Hahnemann added his own symptoms (84) in the second edition of the Chronic Diseases, and a valuable proving of Rummel, consisting of 23 symptoms, and condensed Nenning’s 448 to 290, without thereby occasioning a loss. The symptoms from a...
Ammonium Formaldehyde General. Known commercially as CYSTOGEN. Dose, five to seven grains two to four times daily, dissolved in hot water, after meals. Prevents the decomposition of urine in the bladder, kidneys, and ureters. Turbid urine rendered clear and non-irritating; phosphatic deposits dissolved, and growth of pyogenic bacteria arrested. ##culled## ...