
Ammonium Causticum

Ammonium Causticum 9:24:00 AM
Ammonium Causticum Hydrate of Ammonia-Ammonia Water This is a powerful cardiac stimulant. As such in syncope, thrombosis, hćmorrhage, snake-bites, chloroform narcosis, may be given by inhalation. The śdema and ulceration of mucous membranes produced by this powerful drug have been utilized as guiding symptoms for its use; hence in membranous croup with burning in śsophagus. Aphonia. See Causticum. Respiratory Difficult respiration. Accumulation of...

Ammonium Carbonicum

Ammonium Carbonicum 3:26:00 PM
Ammonium Carbonicum Generalities: If we were practicing in the old-fashioned way and considered the wonderfully volatile nature of Ammonium carb. in some of its forms we would only look upon it as an agent to relieve fainting and simple affections and use it in the form of hartshorn to comfort old maids and some other women. But Ammonium carb. is a deep-acting, constitutional...

Ammonium Bromatum

Ammonium Bromatum 2:41:00 PM
Ammonium Bromatum       Bromide of Ammonium. (NH4 Br.) Solution in distilled water. Clinical.       Ciliary neuralgia. Ammonium Bromatum               Corpulency.      Coryza.       Cough.       Epilepsy.       Kidney. pain in.       Larynx, catarrh of.       Nails, biting.       Ophthalmia, scrofulous....

Ammonium Benzoicum

Ammonium Benzoicum 2:34:00 PM
Ammonium Benzoicum       Benzoate of Ammonia. NH4 C7 H5 O2.       Solution in distilled water. Clinical.       Albuminuria. Ammonium benzoicum       Dropsy.       Gout.       Indigestion.       Ranula.       Rheumatism. Characteristics.       The chief symptoms of this salt (which has been proved) are: Head heavy,...

Ammonium Acet

Ammonium Acet 2:22:00 PM
Ammonium Acet   AMMON-ACET – Acetate of Ammonia. Spiritus Mindereri. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION       The experience with this medicine is almost wholly clinical. It is usually regarded as refrigerant and diaphoretic. Externally, it has been applied as a lotion and collyrium. Dierbach regards it as the only specific diaphoretic remedy, with the exception of Dover’s powders; he regards it as...


Ammoniacum 10:50:00 AM
Ammoniacum AMMONIAC.       Gummi Ammoniacum. See Homoeopathic Gazette. Duration of Action?. RATIONALE OF ITS ACTION.       Ammoniac is the concrete juice of an umbelliferous plant denominated Dorema-Ammoniacum, six or seven feet in height, growing in Persia and Afghanistan. All parts of the plant contain a milky juice. At certain seasons this exudes through punctures made in the plant, and...

Ambrosia Artemisiae Folia

Ambrosia Artemisiae Folia 10:39:00 AM
Ambrosia Artemisiae Folia Rag-Weed (AMBROSIA) A remedy for hay-fever, lachrymation and intolerable itching of the Ambrosia Artemisiae Folia eye-lids. Some forms of whooping-cough. Respiratory tract in its entire length stopped up. Many forms of diarrhoea, especially during summer months, also dysentery. Ambrosia artemisiae folia treatment for Nose ailments: Watery coryza; sneezing; watery discharge. Nosebleed. Stuffed up feeling of nose and head. Irritation of...