Agrimonia Eupatoria General. Cocklebur - Agrimonia eupatoria painful kidneys, impaired digestion and menstrualdifficulties; Bronchorrhea and catarrh of bladder. Cough with profuse expectoration attended with expulsion of urine. Tincture 1-10 gtt. ##culled from : ...
Agraphis Nutans Natural History. Bluebell. Agraphis Nutans Wild Hyacinth. Scilla nutans. N. O. Liliaceæ. Tincture of fresh plant and growing shoots. Clinical. Adenoids. Catarrh. Deafness. Diarrhoea. Characteristics. Agraphis is one of the remedies introduced by Dr. Cooper. ...
Agnus Castus The Chaste Tree The most effective point of attack of Agnus upon the organism is the sexual organism. It lowers sexual vitality, with corresponding mental depression and loss of nervous energy. It shows this distinctive influence in both sexes, Agnus Castus but is more pronounced in men. Premature old age from abuse of sexual power. History of repeated gonorrhśa. A prominent...