Aethiops Mercurialis Mineralis (Sulph. and Quicksilver, or Black Sulphide Mercury) This preparation is of use in SCROFULOUS affections, ophthalmia, Aethiops Mercurialis Mineralis collected from: otorrhoea, paintul, irritating, scabby eruptions, hereditary syphilis. Skin Eruptions. Favus-like, scrofulous, herpetic and eczematous. Dose The lower triturations, especially the second decimal. Relationship ASLHIOPS ANTIMONALIS - (Hydrargyrum stibiato sulfuratum.)-(often more effective than the...
Aethiops Antimonialis Natural History. Made by triturating two parts of sulfuret of antimony with one of quicksilver. (Berliner, Zeit, f. Hom. Aerzte., vol. ii. Hom. Recorder, 1894, p. 28.) Trituration. Clinical. Ophthalmia. Otorrhoea, Scrofula. Skin, affections of. Syphilis....