Aconitum Lycoctonum Natural History. A. lycoctonum, Linn. A. telyphonum, Reich. Wolfsbane. N. O. Ranunculacee. Tincture of fresh plant when coming into bloom. (The only aconite which does not contain Aconitine.) Clinical. Aconitum Lycoctonum Breasts, inflammation of. Constipation. Diarrhoea....
Aconitum Cammarum Natural History. A. cammarum, Linn. (includes Acon. neomontanum, Willd., Acon. intermedium, D. C., and Acon. stoerckianum, Reich.). N. O. Ranunculacee. Tincture of root. Clinical. Catalepsy. Aconitum Cammarum Eruption. Headache. Neuralgia. ...
Aconitum Ferox Natural History. A. ferox, Wall. A. virosum, Don. Bisch, or Bikh, Ativisha. (The most poisonous species known, containing greatest proportion of Aconitine, from the Himalaya Mountains.) N. O. Ranunculacee. Tincture of root. Clinical. Burning pains. Cheyne-Stokes breathing. Chill. Dyspnea....
Acidum Tartaricum (Tartaric Acid) Found in grapes, pineapple, sorrel and other fruits. It is an antiscorbutic antiseptic, stimulating the mucous and salivary secretions. Acidum Tartaricum Dullness and lassitude. Great weakness, with diarrhoea, with dry and brown tongue. Pain in heels. (PHYTOL.) Stomach Excessive thirst, continued vomiting burning in throat and stomach. Dyspepsia with...
Acidum Tannicum Natural History. Tannic acid. C14H10O9, 2H2O. (There are two forms of tannic acid, Gallo-tannic acid, derived from nut-galls, and Querc-tannic acid, derived from healthy leaves and bark of the oak. The former is the most used.) Trituration. Solution in rectified spirit....