Acidum Nitro Muriatic (Aqua Regia) Almost a specific in Oxaluria. Removes the distressing skin symptoms resembling psoriasis. Three to five drops three times a day. So-called bilious conditions; torpid liver, hepatitis and early cirrhosis of liver. More adapted to hepatic torpor and gastric catarrh common in hot and damp climates and...
Acidum Nitricum Generalities: Great general weakness; feeble reaction; extreme sensitivity, and nervous trembling, are marked features in this remedy. Acidum Nitricum Patients greatly broken by long suffering, pain and sickness, physical more than mental suffering, finally anemia and emaciation are marked. Sensitive to cold; always chilly. Symptoms are aggravated from becoming cold, and in...
Acidum Muriaticum Now that we have obtained an idea of the acids in general, we will find Muriatic acid a very easy drug to study. The continued use of Muriatic acid must give us pathological effects. Now this acid Acidum Muriaticum when abused, produces pathogenetic effects which present two series of symptoms for study. We find...
Acidum Lacticum Natural History. Lactic Acid. Milk Acid. HC3H5O3. Dilution. Clinical. Bones, swelling of. Diabetes. Foot-sweat. Indigestion. Pregnancy, sickness of. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Throat, constricted, sore....
Acidum Hydrocyanic Hydrocyanic acid acts upon the cerebro-spinal nervous system, and particularly upon the medulla and upper portion of the spinal cord. It produces convulsions which are very much like those of the fully-developed epileptic attack. Dr. Hughes, of Brighton, England, recommends it as a specific for epilepsy. This,...
Acidum Hippuric Its chief action is on the external tissues of the eyes and nasopharynx, joint surfaces, liver and mucous membranes. Right side especially affected, general muscular soreness. Acid Hippuric Head Pain over right eye, dull, constant, worse in warm room. Eyelids inflamed and swollen. Throat. Sore, raw, dry, swallowing difficult,...
Acidum gallicum Natural History. Gallic Acid. C7 H6 O5. Acidum gallicum Trituration. Clinical. Asthma. Constipation. Debility. Delirium. Hemorrhages. Phthisis. Urticaria. Characteristics. Gallic acid is the...
Acidum Formicum Tuberculosis, chronic nephritis, malignant tumors; pulmonary tuberculosis, not in third stage, however; lupus; carcinoma of breast and stomach; Dr. Krull uses injections of solutions corresponding to the third centesimal potency; these must not be repeated before six months. Chronic myalgia. Muscular pains and...
Acidum Fluoricum It takes a long time for this remedy, in the proving, to develop its symptoms. It is a very deep-acting medicine, and an antipsoric, antisyphilitic and anti-sycotic. Acidum Fluoricum It is insidious in its action and its symptoms are slow in approach; it is like the deepest and slowest and...